About Getting Legal Help After An Assault By Your Child

Did one of your children assault you to the extent of having to defend yourself? If you are now facing an assault and child abuse charge for a situation in which you are innocent, there is something that can be done about it. You will need help from a criminal defense attorney to help with proving that you had the right to defend yourself against the other party. You don't want such a charge to affect you for the rest of your life, so it is worth paying the legal fees to prove your case. [Read More]

Three Situations That Will Have A Judge Reconsider The Amount Of Alimony You Pay Every Month

Getting the amount of alimony you pay every month reduced is actually a common question from those who are newly divorced. Alimony isn't a final sentence, it is simply a way to accommodate a spouse to grew used to the standard of living while the two of you were married. Though getting your alimony payments lowered isn't something that every judge is willing to do under normal circumstances, there are situations that will cause the courts to reevaluate your case. [Read More]

Determining Marital Vs. Separate Assets When You Are Going Through A Divorce

When you and your spouse have decided to divorce, there could be a sizable amount of assets for you to divide. Your assets will be divided based on the state in which you live. While the majority of the states are known as equitable distribution states, the remaining states are community property states. In those that are equitable distribution, assets are divided by what is deemed fair when looking at the potential for future earnings. [Read More]

Sharing Custody Of Your Child? Here Are 4 Tips That Will Help You Co-Parent Effectively

Divorce can take its toll on your emotions. It can be even more difficult on children. If you and your spouse are going to share custody of your children, it's important that their needs come first. You may have bitter feelings towards your ex-spouse but you should put those aside for the sake of your children. Joint custody can work if both parents work together. Here are four tips that will help ease the transition into joint custody. [Read More]